Language Tour

Walk through all language features

This tutorial covers all of the Dhall configuration language features, in a way that is not specific to an integration (like JSON or YAML) or language binding (like Go or Rust). In other words, this tutorial assumes that you’ve already figured out how to use Dhall within a project and you want to dive more comprehensively into the core language features.


This tutorial assumes that you have already completed the JSON/YAML tutorial:

You will need to install the command-line dhall tool in order to follow along. You can install a prebuilt executable for Windows / OS X / Linux from the following release page:

The installation instructions are essentially the same as in Getting started: Generate JSON or YAML, except replacing dhall-json with dhall.

Exercise: Verify that you have correctly installed the tool by running:

$ dhall <<< '2 + 2'

… and verifying that you get:



The dhall command-line tool includes a REPL, which you can use like this:

$ dhall repl
Welcome to the Dhall v1.31.1 REPL! Type :help for more information.
⊢ 2 + 2


Whenever you see an exercise prompt beginning with , that means to enter the remainder of the line as a command within the REPL.

Exercise: Within the REPL, type the :help command and try to learn one new command:


You can also use the REPL to interpret larger expressions by saving them to a file and then referencing the file path

Exercise: Save the following Dhall code to a file named test.dhall

let x = 1

let y = 2

in  x + y

… and then interpret the file within the REPL using this command:

⊢ ./test.dhall

Carefully note that you need the leading ./ in the file name. If you enter only test.dhall then the command will fail with the following error message:

⊢ test.dhall

Error: Unbound variable: test

1│ test


Alternatively, you can also interpret the file from the command line, like this:

$ dhall --file test.dhall

If you use a Unix-like operating system then newer versions of Dhall will let you add the following line to the top of your file:

#!/usr/bin/env -S dhall --file
let x = 1

let y = 2

in  x + y

Then you can make the file executable:

$ chmod u+x ./test.dhall

… which will allow you to run the file directly:

$ ./test.dhall

This tutorial will not cover everything that the command-line utility can do, but as a general rule anything you can do within the REPL you can also be done from the command line without the REPL.

The REPL uses Unicode punctuation by default. If you prefer ASCII, then start the REPL using dhall repl --ascii instead.


All Dhall integrations support some way to load “plain” data into the desired file format or language binding.

These “plain” values include simple types like:

  • Bool values

  • Natural numbers, Integers, and Doubles

  • Text values

… and complex types like:

  • Lists

  • Optional values

  • Records

  • Unions

Here is an example of a “plain” expression that can be loaded into most languages or file formats:

[ { name = "Alice"
  , age = 24
  , admin = True
, { name = "Bob"
  , age = 49
  , admin = True

For example, the above Dhall expression corresponds to the following JSON expression:

    "name": "Alice",
    "age": 24,
    "admin": true
    "name": "Bob",
    "age": 49,
    "admin": true

Exercise: Save the above Dhall expression to a file named plain.dhall and interpret the file by running:

$ dhall --file plain.dhall

The only difference you should notice between the input and output is that the output sorts the record fields.

[ { admin = True, age = 24, name = "Alice" }
, { admin = True, age = 49, name = "Bob" }

All integrations can go a step further and interpret the Dhall expression before converting the expression into the desired format or language. For example, the following expression is equivalent to our original example (albeit more indirect, just to illustrate a point):

-- ./example.dhall

let List/filter =

let Person = { name : Text, age : Natural, admin : Bool }

let alice : Person =
      { name = "Alice"
      , age = 24
      , admin = True

let bob : Person =
      { name = "Bob"
      , age = 49
      , admin = True

let carlo : Person =
      { name = "Carlo"
      , age = 20
      , admin = False

let isAdmin = \(person : Person) -> person.admin

in  List/filter Person isAdmin [ alice, bob, carlo ]

This is because every Dhall integration includes a built-in interpreter capable of evaluating Dhall expressions, reducing them to plain data before converting them further to the desired host language or file format.

Exercise: Save the above Dhall expression to a file named example.dhall and run:

$ dhall --file example.dhall

… and verify that you get the same result as interpreting plain.dhall.

[ { admin = True, age = 24, name = "Alice" }
, { admin = True, age = 49, name = "Bob" }

A Dhall interpreter processes expressions in five phases:

  • Desugaring

    Some higher-level language features are “syntactic sugar” for lower-level language-features. “Desugaring” is the process of translating higher-level features to lower-level features.

    Example: { x.y = 1 } desugars to { x = { y = 1 } }

  • Import resolution

    This phase replaces URLs, file paths, and environment variables with the expressions that they refer to.

    Example: False resolves to (\(b : Bool) -> b == False) False

  • Type checking

    This phase ensures that the code is safe to evaluate by detecting and forbidding expressions that might lead to crashes, loops, or internal errors.

    Example: 1 + False will fail to type-check

  • Normalization (a.k.a. “Evaluation”)

    This phase eliminates all indirection in the expression by evaluating all remaining programming language features that were not already covered by one of the preceding phases. The result is an expression in a canonical “normal form”.

    Example: \(x : Natural) -> [ 2 + 2, x ] will normalize to \(x : Natural) -> [ 4, x ]

    Evaluation is a special-case of normalization where the result is a plain value.

    Example: if True && False then 1 else 0 evaluates to 0

  • Marshalling

    The Dhall expression is converted into a file in the desired format or an expression within the desired language.

    Example (converting to Bash):

    $ dhall-to-bash --declare FOO <<< '{ x = 1, y = 2 }'
    declare -r -A FOO=([x]=1 [y]=2)

Integrations will typically perform all of these steps in one go, but you can use the dhall command-line tool to separate out some of these steps.

Exercise: Using the same ./example.dhall file as before, run the following commands:

$ # `dhall resolve` performs only import resolution
$ dhall resolve --file ./example.dhall | tee ./resolved.dhall
let List/filter =
      λ(a : Type) 
      λ(f : a  Bool) 
      λ(xs : List a) 
          (List a)
          (λ(x : a)  λ(xs : List a)  if f x then [ x ] # xs else xs)
          ([] : List a)

let Person = { name : Text, age : Natural, admin : Bool }

let alice
    : Person
    = { name = "Alice", age = 24, admin = True }

let bob
    : Person
    = { name = "Bob", age = 49, admin = True }

let carlo
    : Person
    = { name = "Carlo", age = 20, admin = False }

let isAdmin = λ(person : Person)  person.admin

in  List/filter Person isAdmin [ alice, bob, carlo ]

$ # `dhall type` type-checks the expression and displays the inferred type
$ dhall type --file ./resolved.dhall
List { admin : Bool, age : Natural, name : Text }

$ # `dhall normalize` normalizes the resolved expression
$ dhall normalize --file ./resolved.dhall | tee ./normalized.dhall
[ { admin = True, age = 24, name = "Alice" }
, { admin = True, age = 49, name = "Bob" }

$ # `dhall-to-json` marshals the normalized expression into JSON
$ dhall-to-json --file ./normalized.dhall 
    "admin": true,
    "age": 24,
    "name": "Alice"
    "admin": true,
    "age": 49,
    "name": "Bob"

… and study how the Dhall expression evolves between phases.

Note that some of these commands can actually perform all of the preceding steps. For example, dhall-to-json could have taken the original ./example.dhall as input and produced the same result. However, splitting things into explicit phases can sometimes help better understand how the interpreter processes the code.

Exercise: There are two URL imports in the following Dhall expression:

if True
then True
else [ 2, 3, 5 ]

Which imports are resolved by the interpreter?

Does the expression type-check?


Both imports are always resolved, regardless of which branch of the if expression is returned because import resolution strictly precedes normalization.

The expression does not type-check because the two branches of the if expression do not return the same type of value. This restriction applies even if the predicate (True in this case) can only ever select one branch because type checking strictly precedes normalization.


You can add comments to Dhall expressions which are ignored by the interpreter. These comments come in two forms:

  • Single-line comments that begin with --

  • Block comments that begin with {- and end with -}

For example:

-- This is a single-line comment

{- This is
   a block

   {- You can nest block comments -}

2 + {- You can embed block comments anywhere -} 2

Comments have no effect on how the code is interpreted. They are purely for the benefit of people reading the code.

Bool values

The Bool type is one of the simplest types that the language provides built-in support for.

The only two valid Bool constants are False and True and the language provides the following logical operators which work on Bool values:

  • && - logical “and”

    True && False
  • || - logical “or”

    True || False
  • == - equality

    True == False
  • != - inequality

    True != False

Carefully note that the == and != operators only work on values of type Bool. This is one important way that Dhall differs from many other languages. For example, you cannot compare Text or Natural numbers for equality or inequality using these operators.

Exercise: Try to compare two numbers for equality and see what happens:

1 == 1

Which interpreter phase do you think rejected the expression?


The type-checking phase rejects the expression

The expression is syntactically valid (so parsing succeeds) and the expression has no imports (so import resolution trivially succeeds), so the only remaining phase that can reject the expression is type-checking. This is because the language guarantees that normalization never fails once type-checking succeeds.

Additionally the language provides built-in support for if expressions.

if True then "Hello" else "Goodbye"



Natural numbers are non-negative integers. In other words:

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,

All Natural number literals are unsigned. You can also use hexadecimal notation if you prefer:

0x0, 0x1, 0x2,, 0xE, 0xF, 0x10, 0x11,

or use binary notation:

0b0, 0b1, 0b10, 0b11, 0b100, 0b101,

Natural numbers are the most commonly used numeric type for programming utilities, since many useful functions use Natural numbers to forbid negative inputs or output.

For example, the type of the built-in List/length function guarantees that the function can never return a negative length:

List/length : forall (a : Type) -> List a -> Natural

The Natural number type is also a good default choice for many configuration options where negative values are not sensible, like:

  • A person’s age

  • The number of CPUs to provision for a machine

  • The maximum number of permitted retries for a failing service

Integers are a different numeric type and they are not the same as Natural numbers. All Integer literals require an explicit sign:

, -7, -6, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, +0, +1, +2, +3, +4, +5, +6, +7,

Integers also permit hexadecimal and binary notation, like Natural numbers.

Both Natural numbers and Integers are unlimited precision, which means that there is no maximum value for either type.

Doubles represent IEEE 754 double-precision floating point numbers, such as:

-1.0, 3.14159265359, 6.0221409e+23, 1e6

Exercise: What do you think will happen if you input a Double literal that is out of the valid range for a double-precision floating point number?

Error: Invalid input

1 | 1e10000
  | ^
double out of bounds

Run the above command to find out!

Double literals require an explicit decimal point or an exponent (if using scientific notation). The Double type is also a distinct numeric type from Natural numbers and Integers.

The language also provides the following arithmetic operators which only work on Natural numbers:

  • + - addition

    2 + 3
  • * - multiplication

    2 * 3

These operators do not work on Integers or Double values, although you can convert between Natural numbers and Integers using built-in functions that we will cover later in this tutorial.

On the other hand, Doubles are essentially “opaque”, meaning that you cannot perform any arithmetic with them.


Text is the most complex of the primitive types because:

  • the language supports Text interpolation

  • the language also supports multi-line Text literals

In the simple case a Text literal is surrounded by double quotes:

"Hello, world!"

… and these literals permit escape sequences similar to JSON using a backslash:

"Line 1\nLine 2\n"

The full set of escape sequences are:

  • \" - Escape a quotation mark

  • \\ - Escape a backslash

  • \/ - Escape a forward slash

  • \b - Escape a backspace

  • \f - Escape a form feed

  • \n - Escape a line feed

  • \r - Escape a carriage return

  • \t - Escape a tab

  • \$ - Escape a dollar sign

  • \uXXXX / \u{XXXX} - Escape a Unicode sequence (specified using hex)

The language also permits Unicode characters in Text literals, too.

Exercise: Run the following command to test Dhall’s support for special characters:

"🍋\t🍓\t🍍\t🍉\t🍌\n\u{1F60B} \"Yum!\"\n"
🍋	🍓	🍍	🍉	🍌
😋 "Yum!"

Multi-line Text literals

Dhall supports multi-line Text literals surrounded by two single quotes on each side, like this:

-- Entering multi-line mode. Press <Ctrl-D> to finish.
| ''
| Line 1
| Line 2
| Line 3
| ''

Line 1
Line 2
Line 3

You can think of two single quotes as “big double quotes” if you need a convenient mnemonic for this feature.

Multi-line Text literals automatically strip leading indentation for all lines after the opening quotes, meaning that this expression


… is the same as this expression


… which is also the same as this expression:

{- Leading indentation here has no effect and is not part of the literal -}  ''

… all three of which are syntactic sugar for the following plain Text literal:


However, the preceding multi-line literals are NOT the same as this expression:


… which desugars to:

"    ABC\n    DEF\n"

This latter multi-line string literal does not strip the leading four-space prefix because the final line before the closing quotes does not share the same four-space prefix.

However, other blank lines within the interior of the multi-line string literal are ignored for the purposes of computing the shared indentation to strip. For example, this expression does not have leading spaces in the middle line:



… yet the indentation is still stripped, making the expression equivalent to:



Both leading tabs and leading spaces are stripped in this way, so long as the pattern of tabs and spaces match for each line that isn’t blank.

All multi-line string literals begin with an obligatory newline character (which is not included in the final string). For example, this is not valid:


… but this is valid:


… which desugars to:


Exercise: What does this multi-line Text literal desugar to?

"    ABC\n  DEF\n"

Text interpolation

You can also interpolate Dhall expressions into Text using ${…}, like this:

let greeting = "Hello"

in  "${greeting}, world!"

The expression that you interpolate must have type Text. Also, the language will not automatically convert non-Text values to Text. For example, this will not type-check:

let answer = 42

in  "The answer to life, the universe, and everything: ${answer}"

You have to instead render values as Text using explicit conversion functions. For example, you can use the Natural/show built-in function to convert a Natural number to Text:

let answer = 42

in  "The answer to life, the universe, and everything: ${Natural/show answer}"

You can escape interpolation within a plain Text literal by escaping the interpolation with a backslash, like this:


You can also escape interpolation within a multi-line Text literal by prefixing the interpolation with '', like this:


Text operations

You can concatenate Text literals using the ++ operator:

"123" ++ "456"


It is also possible to replace substrings inside a Text literal. Say you have a name where you need to replace dashes with underscores. That can be achieved with the following:

Text/replace "-" "_" "foo-bar-baz"


You can also replace larger sections of text:

Text/replace "Hey" "Hello" "Hey, world!"

"Hello, world!"

Here’s how you would strip newlines from a multiline string:

Text/replace "\n" " " ''
  This now behaves like a YAML
  "folded" multi-line string literal where
  newlines are replaced with spaces

Other than that, Text literals are essentially opaque. You currently cannot parse Text literals nor can you compare them for equality. This is because the language promotes using more precise types (like enums) instead of Text when the value matters.


Before introducing complex types we will take a detour to introduce Dhall’s support for types and type annotations.

Every Dhall expression has a type and whenever you see x : T that means that the expression x has type T. For example:

True : Bool        -- The expression `True` has type `Bool`

(2 + 2) : Natural  -- The expression `(2 + 2)` has type `Natural`

The : symbol is the type annotation operator. This operator takes two arguments:

  • The left-hand side is the expression to type-check

  • The right-hand side is the expected type of the left-hand side

… and the operator returns the left-hand side after checking its type against the right-hand side.

Exercise: Ask the REPL for the type of the following expression:

:type [ True, False ]

Then verify that the type is correct by giving a type annotation to the same expression.

List Bool

You can insert this operator anywhere within Dhall code (although you may need to wrap things in parentheses). For example, this is a valid Dhall expression:

⊢ (2 : Natural) + (2 : Natural)


Types are expressions, too, which means that types can themselves have type annotations:

Bool : Type  -- The expression `Bool` has type `Type`

Type : Kind  -- The expression `Type` has type `Kind`

Kind : Sort  -- The expression `Kind` has type `Sort`

You can chain the type annotation operator, so we could also write:

True : Bool : Type : Kind : Sort

The hierarchy of types stops at Sort. There is nothing above that.

Dhall has standard terminology for referring to expressions at different “levels” of the type hierarchy:

  • An expression x is a lowercase-’t’ “term” if the type of the type of x is Type

    For example, 1 is a “term” because 1 : Natural : Type

    Natural/show is also a “term” because Natural/show : Natural -> Text : Type

  • An expression x is a lowercase-’t’ “type” if the type of the type of x is Kind

    For example, Bool is a “type” because Bool : Type : Kind

    A List is also a “type” because List : Type -> Type : Kind

  • An expression x is a lowercase-’k’ “kind” if the type of the type of x is Sort

    For example, Type is a “kind” because Type : Kind : Sort

Exercise: Classify the following expressions as either “terms”, “types”, or “kinds”:

  • 2 + 2

  • List Natural

  • { x = True, y = "ABC" }

  • Type -> Type

  • 2 + 2 is a term, because 2 + 2 : Natural : Type

  • List Natural is a type, because List Natural : Type : Kind

  • { x = True, y = "ABC" } is a term, because { x = True, y = "ABC" } : { x : Bool, y : Text } : Type

  • Type -> Type is a kind, because Type -> Type : Kind : Sort

If you don’t feel like classifying things, you can always call something an “expression”. All terms, types, and kinds are expressions, too.


The language provides built-in support for testing that two expressions are equal using the assert keyword, like this:

⊢ assert : 2 + 2 === 4

assert : 44

This keyword lets you compare two expressions for equality at type-checking time in conjunction with the === or (U+2261) operator.

If the expressions do not match then type-checking will fail and the interpreter will display a diff:

⊢ assert : 2 + 2 === 5

Error: Assertion failed

- 4
+ 5

1│ assert : 2 + 2 === 5


You don’t have to limit yourself to comparing “plain” expressions. You can compare functions or abstract expressions for equality in this way, too:

⊢ \(x : Natural) -> assert : List/length Natural [ x, x ] === 2

λ(x : Natural)  assert : 22

⊢ \(x : Bool) -> assert : (x && True) === x

λ(x : Bool)  assert : x ≡ x

The interpreter cannot always verify that two abstract expressions are the same (which is impossible in general), but the interpreter can detect some simple equalities. You can use this feature to author tests that exhaustively verify that a property holds for all possible values of a variable.


A List literal is represented by comma-separated elements surrounded by square brackets, like this:

[ 2, 3, 5 ]

… and the type of a list is List T where T is the type of each element. For example, the type of the above List is:

:type [ 2, 3, 5 ]

List Natural

This implies that List elements must share the same type. For example, the following expression will not type-check:

[ 1, True ]

… because 1 has type Natural whereas True has type Bool, and those two types do not match.

Don’t worry! Later we’ll illustrate ways to sensibly mix different types within the same List.

However, other than that restriction you can store essentially any type of value inside of a list so long as all elements share the same type. For example, we can stick the following two functions in a list because both functions have the same type:

[ Natural/even, Natural/odd ]

Exercise: Ask the REPL what the type of the above list is:

:type [ Natural/even, Natural/odd ]
List (Natural  Bool)

Empty lists require an explicit type annotation, like this:

[] : List Natural

Also, you can concatenate lists using the # operator:

⊢ [ 1, 2 ] # [ 3, 4 ]

[ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]

Exercise: Concatenate two empty lists


The type of the list can vary, but the solution should look like:

([] : List Natural) # ([] : List Natural)

The required type annotation needs to be parenthesized due to the type annotation operator being lower precedence than the list concatenation operator.

There are other things you can do with Lists, but we will cover that later when we get to the Dhall Prelude.

Optional values

By default, all Dhall types are not “nullable”, meaning that there is no special nil / null value that suffices for those types.

For example, if a Dhall expression has type Bool that means that interpreting the expression must produce a True or False value. No other result is possible, and in particular a null value is impossible.

However, you can opt in to potentially empty types by wrapping types in Optional. For example, an Optional Natural is a Natural number that might be present or might be absent.

There are two ways to create a value of type Optional Natural. If the Natural number is present then you wrap the Natural number in a Some to get an Optional Natural number:

:type Some 1

Optional Natural

If the Natural number is absent, then you can provide an empty placeholder by specifying None Natural:

:type None Natural

Optional Natural

In other words, both Some 1 and None Natural share the same type, which is Optional Natural, so we could store both inside the same List:

:type [ Some 1, None Natural ]

List (Optional Natural)

However, a “bare” 1 has type Natural, which is a different type. For example, if we try to store a 1 and a Some 1 inside of the same list then we will get a type error:

⊢ [ Some 1, 1 ]

Error: List elements should all have the same type

- Optional+ Natural



More generally, the type of an optional value is Optional T where T is the type of the element that might be present.

You can make arbitrary expressions Optional, such as the following nested Optional types that are valid:

  • Optional (List Text)

    An Optional List of Text values. For example:

    Some [ "ABC", "DEF" ]  -- A present list that is non-empty
    Some ([] : List Text)  -- A present list that is empty
    None (List Text)       -- An absent list
  • Optional (Optional Bool)

    All of the following values share this type:

    Some (Some True)
    Some (None Bool)
    None (Optional Bool)

    Carefully note Some (None Bool) and None (Optional Bool) do not necessarily mean the same thing. Many languages only permit one “level” of nullability, but in Dhall you can nest the Optional type to an arbitrary depth and each layer is tracked separately.

  • List (Optional Bool)

    All of the following values share this type:

    [ Some True ]
    [ Some False ]
    [ None Bool ]
    [] : List (Optional Bool)

Some is a keyword that requires an argument, meaning that Some 1 is a valid expression, but Some by itself is not valid. However, None is more flexible, because None is an ordinary function that is valid in isolation.

Exercise: What is the type of None?

:type None
(A : Type)  Optional A

What happens if you try to enter Some by itself?

:type Some

You get a parse error:

Error: Invalid input

2 | <empty line>
  | ^
unexpected end of input
expecting argument to ❰Some❱ or whitespace

You can do more with Optional values, which we will cover later when we discuss the Dhall Prelude.


A record literal is comma-separated key-value pairs surrounded by curly braces:

{ name = "John Doe", age = 24 }

The above record literal has two fields: a field called name whose value is "John Doe" and a field called age whose value is 24.

Dhall also provides a short-hand syntax for storing a variable in a record as a field of the same name, like this:

let x = 2

let y = 3

in  { x, y }  -- This short for: { x = x, y = y }

A record type is comma-separated key-type pairs surrounded by curly braces:

{ name : Text, age : Natural }

The above record type is the type of the previous record literal:

{ name = "John Doe", age = 24 } : { name : Text, age : Natural }

… and you can read the type as saying that the field called name stores a value of type Text and the field called age stores a value of type Natural.

The way to denote an empty record literal with zero key-value pairs is:


… and the way to denote an empty record type with zero key-type pairs is:


Exercise: What type do you think the interpreter will infer for the ./example.dhall file from earlier in the tutorial:

:type ./example.dhall
List { admin : Bool, age : Natural, name : Text }

You can access the fields of a record using . (the field access operator), like this:

let exampleRecord = { x = 1, y = 2 }

in  exampleRecord.x + exampleRecord.y

You can also “project” out a subset of fields using comma-separate field names in braces, like this:

:let point = { x = 10.3, y = 2.1, z = 9.1 }

point : { x : Double, y : Double, z : Double }

⊢ point.{ x, y }

{ x = 10.3, y = 2.1 }

You can also “project” out a subset of fields by the expected type, too, if you surround the type in parentheses:

:let Point2D = { x : Double, y : Double }

Point2D : Type

⊢ point.(Point2D)

{ x = 10.3, y = 2.1 }

let expressions

Some of the following examples will not fit on one line, so we can use let expressions to split our code into smaller expressions over multiple lines.

We’ve already come across some let expressions, like in our first example:

let List/filter =

let Person = { name : Text, age : Natural, admin : Bool }

let alice : Person =
      { name = "Alice"
      , age = 24
      , admin = True

let bob : Person =
      { name = "Bob"
      , age = 49
      , admin = True

let carlo : Person =
      { name = "Carlo"
      , age = 20
      , admin = False

let isAdmin = \(person : Person) -> person.admin

in  List/filter Person isAdmin [ alice, bob, carlo ]

… and the above example illustrates how let expressions can come in one of two forms:

  • A let expression with a type annotation:

    let variableName : VariableType = expression
    in  result
  • A let expression without a type annotation

    let variableName = expression
    in  result

Both types of let expression create a variable that is a short-hand synonym for the expression on the right-hand side of the = sign. For example, this expression:

let x = 1

let y = 2

in  x + y

… is the same thing as:

1 + 2

… since all that we’ve done is replaced all occurrences of x with 1 and replaced all occurrences of y with 2.

The first part of the let expression (before the in keyword) is known as a “let binding” and a let expression can have more than one let binding.

More generally, all let expressions have the following form:

let variableName₀ [ : VariableType₀ ] = expression₀

let variableName₁ [ : VariableType₁ ] = expression₁


let variableNameₙ [ : VariableTypeₙ ] = expressionₙ

in  result

In other words, they have one or more let bindings followed by an in keyword, followed by the final result that the let expression returns.

A variable introduced within a let binding (like variableName₀ in the above example) can only be used within a subsequent let binding (such as expression₁ through expressionₙ) or within the “body” of the let expression after the in keyword (such as result in the above example). A variable is “in scope” wherever the variable can be used. So, for example, variableName₁ is “in scope” for expressionₙ and result but variableName₁ is “not in scope” for expression₀ and expression₁.

Variables introduced within a let expression are not in scope outside of the let expression. For example, the following Dhall expression will not type-check:

--            x is in scope here
--            ↓
(let x = 2 in x) + x
--                 ↑
--                 … but x is not in scope here

You cannot have a let binding without a matching in keyword. All variables introduced with a let binding must have a scope delimited by an in keyword. If you wish to make a variable available outside of a let expression then you will probably want to store the variable in a record (typically within a field of the same name), like this:

let example =
      let x = 2

      let y = 3

      in -- x and y are only in scope here …
         { x, y }

in  -- … but we can access their values here since they were stored within a
    -- record as fields of the same name
    example.x + example.y

You can think of this idiom of storing variables in a record as being analogous to “exporting” definitions from a module or package. You will often see this idiom when people create Dhall packages that export multiple definitions:

let definition₀ =let definition₁ = …


let definitionₙ =in  { definition₀
    , definition₁
    ,, definitionₙ

… where the “exported” definitions could be useful functions, values, types, or sub-packages. The subsequent Prelude section will tour a commonly used package that follows this idiom.

There are very few restrictions on what you can create a synonym for with a let expression. For example, you can use a let expression to create a synonym for a type and we saw one case of that in example.dhall:

-- `Person` is a synonym for a record type …
let Person = { name : Text, age : Natural, admin : Bool }

-- … which we can use as the type annotation for this `let` expression
let alice : Person =
      { name = "Alice"
      , age = 24
      , admin = True


The main restrictions are:

  • You cannot create synonyms for keywords (e.g. merge, if, Some, etc.)

    You can only create synonyms for expressions

  • You cannot create a let binding that refers to itself

    General recursion is not permitted. However, if you are interested you can embed well-founded recursion in Dhall by following this separate guide on translating recursive code to Dhall.

Exercise: What do you think will happen if you try to define a recursive let binding?

:let x = x + 1
Error: Unbound variable: x

1│  x


Variables cannot refer to themselves within their own definition. In other words, a variable is not “in scope” within its own definition.

If the error message does not make sense, then enable more detailed error messages with the following command:

:set --explain

… and repeat the experiment.

Error: Unbound variable: x

Explanation: Expressions can only reference previously introduced (i.e. “bound”)
variables that are still “in scope”

For example, the following valid expressions introduce a “bound” variable named

    │ λ(x : Bool) → x │  Anonymous functions introduce “bound” variables
        This is the bound variable

    │ let x = 1 in x  │  ❰let❱ expressions introduce “bound” variables
          This is the bound variable

However, the following expressions are not valid because they all reference a
variable that has not been introduced yet (i.e. an “unbound” variable):

    │ λ(x : Bool) → y │  The variable ❰y❱ hasn't been introduced yet
                    This is the unbound variable

    │ (let x = True in x) && x │  ❰x❱ is undefined outside the parentheses
                             This is the unbound variable

    │ let x = x in x │  The definition for ❰x❱ cannot reference itself
              This is the unbound variable

Some common reasons why you might get this error:

● You misspell a variable name, like this:

    │ λ(empty : Bool) → if emty then "Empty" else "Full" │

● You misspell a reserved identifier, like this:

    │ foral (a : Type) → a → a │

● You tried to define a recursive value, like this:

    │ let x = x + 1 in x │
              Recursive definitions are not allowed

● You accidentally forgot a ❰λ❱ or ❰∀❱/❰forall❱

        Unbound variable
    │  (x : Bool) → x │
      A ❰λ❱ here would transform this into a valid anonymous function

        Unbound variable
    │  (x : Bool) → Bool │
      A ❰∀❱ or ❰forall❱ here would transform this into a valid function type

● You forgot to prefix a file path with ❰./❱:

    │ path/to/file.dhall │
      This should be ❰./path/to/file.dhall❱


1│  x


Dhall code idiomatically uses let expressions heavily, so don’t be afraid to split large expressions into lots of smaller let bindings. You can always interpret the code to remove indirection if necessary.

Exercise: Does the following Dhall expression type-check? Test your guess!

let x = 1

let x = x + 2

in  x

Yes, the above expression type-checks and evaluates to 3. This is because the above code is equivalent to:

let x = 1

let y = x + 2

in  y

In other words, the interpreter knows that the two xs in the line let x = x are different xs. In fact, the interpreter can keep track of all xs in scope and we can access all of them unambiguously by their De Bruijn index. For example, this expression retrieves both xs in scope and stores them in a list:

let x = 1

let x = x + 2

in  [ x@1, x ]
--    ↑ 1  ↑ 3


All function types are of the form A -> B where A is the type of the function’s input and B is the type of the function’s output. You can also use the Unicode right arrow (U+2192) to represent a function type as A B.

For example, Natural/even : Natural -> Bool means that the Natural/even function converts an input of type Natural to an output of type Bool:

:type Natural/even

Natural  Bool:type 2

Natural:type Natural/even 2


Functions types can name their input arguments using the forall or keyword. For example, the following function:

:let example = \(x : Natural) -> x + 1

… has this inferred type:

example : forall (x : Natural) -> Natural

… which says that example is a function whose input is an argument named x whose type is Natural and the output type is also Natural.

The equivalent Unicode type would be:

(x : Natural)  Natural

… where (U+2200) is the Unicode equivalent of forall.

Sometimes the argument name is optional, like in the above function type, meaning that the name (e.g. x) is purely informative and can be changed or omitted without affecting the type. For example, all of the following types are the same type as far as the type-checker is concerned:

forall (x : Natural) -> Natural

forall (y : Natural) -> Natural

Natural -> Natural

Omitting the argument name is the same thing as naming the argument _. In other words, Natural -> Natural is syntactic sugar for forall (_ : Natural) -> Natural.

You can apply a function to an argument by simply separating the function and the argument by whitespace, like this:

Natural/even 2

You don’t need to parenthesize function arguments (similar to function calls in Haskell or Bash).

The simplest way to create a function is to introduce an anonymous function using the following syntax:

\(input : InputType) -> output

… or if you prefer Unicode you can use :

λ(input : InputType)  output

… where λ (U+03BB) is the Unicode equivalent of \.

For example, the following function takes an input named x of type Natural and returns the next Natural number (x + 1):

\(x : Natural) -> x + 1

Exercise: Apply the above anonymous function directly to the argument 2 (without using a let expression).


You need to parenthesize the anonymous function to apply the function to an argument:

⊢ (\(x : Natural) -> x + 1) 2


In practice, most anonymous Dhall functions are given a name using a let binding, like this:

let increment = \(x : Natural) -> x + 1

in  increment 2

Exercise: Write a function that negates a Bool value:

let not = ???

in  not True
let not = \(b : Bool) -> if b then False else True

in  not

In some cases, the argument name matters if you reference the name within the rest of the type. For example, the type of the List/length function is:

List/length : forall (a : Type) -> List a -> Natural

The first argument (named a) is referenced within the type of the second argument (List a), so the name a cannot be omitted from the type. However, we can still rename a so long as we also rename other occurrences within the same type. For example, the following types are the same type as far as the type-checker is concerned:

forall (a : Type) -> List a -> Natural

forall (b : Type) -> List b -> Natural

forall (elementType : Type) -> List elementType -> Natural

A function type is “polymorphic” if the type of one argument depends on the name of another argument in this way. For example, the List/length function has a polymorphic type:

List/length : forall (a : Type) -> List a -> Natural

Exercise: Ask the REPL for the type of the List/length function after applying the function to one argument:

:type List/length Natural
List Natural  Natural

… and then apply the List/length function to one more argument (a List) to compute the length of that List.

List/length Natural [ 2, 3, 5 ]


Challenge exercise: Actually, you can omit the forall for the type of List/length. Devise an equivalent type for List/length that does not use a forall or and check your answer in the REPL by giving List/length that type as an annotation:

List/length : ???
List/length : Type -> List _ -> Natural


The type Type -> List _ -> Natural is the same as forall (_ : Type) -> List _ -> Natural, which works because _ is a legal name for a variable.

“Polymorphic” functions like List/length require you to explicitly specify types as their arguments. For example, the first argument of List/length is the type of the List that we want to count. This type argument cannot be omitted.

A more interesting example is the type of the List/map function from the Prelude (which we’ll get to below):

  : forall (a : Type) -> forall (b : Type) -> (a -> b) -> List a -> List b

List/map transforms a List by applying a function to each element.

This function takes four arguments which are, in order:

  • A Type (named a) which is the type of the elements for our input List

  • A Type (named b) which is the type of the elements for our output List

  • A function that can convert a value of type a into a value of type b

  • An input List with elements of type a

… and the function returns an output List with elements of type b

Exercise: Can you guess what this function does based on the function’s name and type?

List/filter : forall (a : Type) -> (a -> Bool) -> List a -> List a

List/filter is a function that returns elements in a list that match a given predicate.


Previously, we noted that we could not store elements of different types within the same List:

[ 1, True ]  -- This will not type-check

However, we can wrap elements of different types so that they agree upon a shared composite type. These composite types are called “unions”.

A union type is bar-delimited key-type pairs surrounded by angle brackets, like this:

< Number : Natural | Boolean : Bool >

Each key is called an “alternative” and the above union type has two alternatives named Number and Boolean. The alternative names can be whatever you want them to be (hopefully descriptive names!).

Each alternative may optionally be paired with a type of value that you can store within that alternative. The above union type can store a Natural number within the Number alternative or a Bool value within the Boolean alternative.

To wrap a value in a union type, use the following syntax:

UnionType.Alternative valueToWrap

The result will be a value whose type is the union’s type. For example:

:let Example = < Number : Natural | Boolean : Bool >

Example : Type:type Example.Number 1

< Boolean : Bool | Number : Natural >

⊢ :type Example.Boolean True

< Boolean : Bool | Number : Natural >

Since the types match, we can store the wrapped values within the same List:

let Example = < Number : Natural | Boolean : Bool >

in  [ Example.Number 1, Example.Boolean True ]

Exercise: Example.Number and Example.Boolean are functions. Use the REPL to ask for the type of each function:

:let Example = < Number : Natural | Boolean : Bool >
⊢ :type Example.Number
⊢ :type Example.Boolean
:type Example.Number

(Number : Natural)  < Boolean : Bool | Number : Natural >

⊢ :type Example.Boolean

(Boolean : Bool)  < Boolean : Bool | Number : Natural >

Exercise: Add another alternative to the Example type and then add a value wrapped in that alternative to the above List.

let Example = < Number : Natural | Boolean : Bool | String : Text >

in  [ Example.Number 1, Example.Boolean True, Example.String "ABC" ]

You can extract a value from a union type using the merge keyword. This keyword expects a record containing one function per alternative, like this:

let Example = < Number : Natural | Boolean : Bool >

let renderExample
    : Example -> Text
    = \(example : Example) ->
          { Number = \(n : Natural) -> Natural/show n
          , Boolean = \(b : Bool) -> if b then "True" else "False"

let example0 = assert : renderExample (Example.Number 42) === "42"

let example1 = assert : renderExample (Example.Boolean False) === "False"

in  renderExample

The functions stored within this record are called “handlers” because each of them “handles” one potential alternative. We don’t know in advance which alternative might be stored within our union type, so we need to be prepared to handle all of them.

The language does not let you ignore alternatives. If you forget to provide a handler, then that is a type error.

Exercise: Delete the Boolean handler from the above example and interpret the expression to see what happens.

Use "dhall --explain" for detailed errors

Error: Missing handler: Boolean

6│         merge
7│           { Number = \(n : Natural) -> Natural/show n
8│           }
9│           example


Each handler is a function whose input is the value wrapped within that alternative and whose output is a result of any type, so long as each handler shares the same result type. In our renderExample function each handler has a different input type, but they all share the same output type: Text.

Exercise: Implement a function that converts an Example to a Natural number with the following behavior:

  • If the alternative is a Number, return the wrapped number

  • If the alternative is a Boolean, then return 0 if False and 1 if True

Check your answer by writing tests for your function using assert.

let Example = < Number : Natural | Boolean : Bool >

let toNatural
    : Example -> Natural
    = \(example : Example) ->
          { Number = \(n : Natural) -> n
          , Boolean = \(b : Bool) -> if b then 1 else 0

let example0 = assert : toNatural (Example.Number 42) === 42

let example1 = assert : toNatural (Example.Boolean False) === 0

let example2 = assert : toNatural (Example.Boolean True) === 1

in  toNatural

Alternatives can be empty. For example, you can define an “enum” as a union with all empty alternatives:

let DayOfWeek =
      < Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday >

let isWeekend
    : DayOfWeek -> Bool
    = \(day : DayOfWeek) ->
          { Sunday = True
          , Monday = False
          , Tuesday = False
          , Wednesday = False
          , Thursday = False
          , Friday = False
          , Saturday = True

in  isWeekend DayOfWeek.Sunday

A handler for an empty alternative requires no input (since an empty alternative does not store a value).

Exercise: Change the following expression to use an enum to represent each person’s favorite color instead of Text:

[ { name = "Alice", favoriteColor = "Green" }
, { name = "Bob"  , favoriteColor = "Blue"  }
, { name = "Carlo", favoriteColor = "Red"   }
let Color = < Red | Green | Blue >

in  [ { name = "Alice", favoriteColor = Color.Green }
    , { name = "Bob"  , favoriteColor = Color.Blue  }
    , { name = "Carlo", favoriteColor = Color.Red   }

You can also mix empty and non-empty alternatives. For example, you could define the Optional type like this:

let Optional = \(a : Type) -> < Some : a | None >

… although that’s not how the type actually works (it’s built into the language). Even so, you can still use the merge keyword to process Optional values as if they had the above type:

let default =
      \(o : Optional Natural) ->
        merge { Some = \(n : Natural) -> n, None = 0 } o

let example0 = assert : default (Some 42) === 42

let example1 = assert : default (None Natural) === 0

in  default

You can nest unions, too, like in this example:

let Lang = < Dhall | Haskell >

let Github = < Repo : Lang | Gist : Lang >

in  { dhall-lang = Github.Repo Lang.Dhall
    , fibonacci = Github.Gist Lang.Haskell

Multiple function arguments

All Dhall functions are functions of one argument, and there are two ways you can “simulate” a function of multiple arguments:

  • Currying

    You can have a function return another function. For example:

    :let example = \(x : Bool) -> \(y : Bool) -> [ x, y ]
    example : (x : Bool)  (y : Bool)  List Bool
    ⊢ example True
    λ(y : Bool)  [ True, y ]
    ⊢ example True False
    [ True, False ]
    ⊢ :let intermediate = example True
    intermediate : (y : Bool)  List Bool
    ⊢ intermediate False
    [ True, False ]

    This trick is known as “currying” and the advantage of currying is that you can “partially apply” a “curried” function to one argument at a time.

  • Records

    You can create a function that expects a record containing multiple fields as the function’s input. For example:

    :let example = \(args : { x : Bool, y : Bool }) -> [ args.x, args.y ]
    example : (args : { x : Bool, y : Bool })  List Bool
    ⊢ example { x = True, y = False }
    [ True, False ]

    The advantage of input records is that using fields to name function arguments can sometimes improve code comprehension, especially for functions with a large number of arguments.

Neither approach is strictly better than the other, but you will typically see the following convention in the Dhall ecosystem:

  • Currying is more commonly used for simple and highly reusable utilities with a few arguments

    Think: “library code”

    For example, currying is used pervasively in built-in functions and the Prelude

  • Records are used more commonly for complex and special-purpose utilities with a large number of arguments

    Think: “application code”

We’ve already seen one example of a “curried” function, which is List/length:

List/length : forall (a : Type) -> List a -> Natural

We can make the currying more explicit by adding the following parentheses to the type:

List/length : forall (a : Type) -> (List a -> Natural)

This type indicates that List/length is a function that takes one argument (a Type), and returns a new intermediate function. This intermediate function takes an argument of its own (a List a) and returns the final result (a Natural). Or in other words, List/length is a “function that returns a function that returns a number”.

Built-in functions

The Dhall language also has a few built-in functions for processing built-in types.

For example, some built-in functions on numbers are:

  • Natural/isZero : Natural -> Bool

    Returns True if the input is 0, False otherwise

    Natural/isZero 2
  • Natural/toInteger : Natural -> Integer

    Convert a Natural number to the corresponding Integer

    Natural/toInteger 2
  • Natural/show : Natural -> Text

    Render a Natural number as Text

    Natural/show 2
  • Integer/clamp : Integer -> Natural

    Convert an Integer to a Natural number, clamping negative Integers to 0

    Integer/clamp +3
  • Integer/negate : Integer -> Integer

    Negate an Integer

    Integer/negate +3
  • Integer/toDouble : Integer -> Double

    Convert an Integer to the corresponding Double

    Integer/toDouble +3
  • Integer/show : Integer -> Text

    Render an Integer as Text (including the obligatory sign)

    Integer/show +3
  • Double/show : Double -> Text

    Render a Double as Text

    Double/show 3.0

Challenge exercise: Using the above built-in functions, implement the following Integer/showWithoutPlus function that can render an Integer without the leading sign if it is positive:

-- ./puzzle.dhall

let showWithoutPlus = \(i : Integer) -> ???

let test0 = assert : showWithoutPlus +2 === "2"

let test1 = assert : showWithoutPlus -2 === "-2"

let test2 = assert : showWithoutPlus +0 === "0"

in  showWithoutPlus

You can test if you got the right answer by type-checking the file:

$ dhall type --quiet --file puzzle.dhall

… which will run the acceptance tests at the bottom of the file.

-- ./puzzle.dhall

let showWithoutPlus =
      \(i : Integer) ->
        let m = Integer/clamp i

        let n = Integer/clamp (Integer/negate i)

        in  if    Natural/isZero m
            then  if Natural/isZero n then "0" else "-${Natural/show n}"
            else  Natural/show m

let test0 = assert : showWithoutPlus +2 === "2"

let test1 = assert : showWithoutPlus -2 === "-2"

let test2 = assert : showWithoutPlus +0 === "0"

in  showWithoutPlus

This tutorial does not cover all available built-in functions. If you are interested in the full list, see:

File imports

Dhall supports importing expressions from local filepaths. For example, run the following command to save the expression 2 to a file named ./two.dhall:

:save ./two.dhall = 2
Expression saved to `./two.dhall`

… and then add that file to itself:

⊢ ./two.dhall + ./two.dhall


This works because of Dhall’s “import resolution” phase, where filepaths are replaced with the expressions stored within those files. In the above example, the interpreter replaces the expression:

./two.dhall + ./two.dhall

… with:

2 + 2

… and then continues to interpret the expression to produce 4.

Exercise: Why does the interpreter reject the following expression?

⊢ ./two.dhall: Natural
↳ ./two.dhall:

Error: Missing file ./two.dhall:

1│ ./two.dhall:


There needs to be a space in between ./two.dhall and the :, otherwise the interpreter treats the : as part of the file name.

Expressions imported in this way must be “closed”, meaning that the imported file cannot refer to variables that are not defined within the same file. For example, if you save the expression x to a file named ./x.dhall then that file can never be successfully imported, even if you write:

let x = 1 in ./x.dhall  -- Still not valid

There are three types of filepath imports that Dhall understands:

  • Relative imports (e.g. ./example.dhall or ../sibling/example.dhall)

  • Absolute imports (e.g. /usr/local/share/dhall/Prelude/package.dhall)

  • Home-anchored imports (e.g. ~/lib/utils.dhall)

… although this tutorial will only use relative imports.

You can store essentially any expression within an import (just like a let binding). For example, you can store a type inside of an import if you want to use that import as a “schema file”:

:save ./Person.dhall = { name : Text, age : Natural }
Expression saved to `./Person.dhall`

⊢ { name = "John Doe", age = 24 } : ./Person.dhall

{ age = 24, name = "John Doe" }

… or you can store a function inside of a file and apply that file to a function argument:

:save ./increment.dhall = \(x : Natural) -> x + 1
Expression saved to `./increment.dhall`

⊢ ./increment.dhall 2


Dhall files that you import in this way can themselves import other files (also known as “transitive” dependencies).

Exercise: Outside of the REPL, create the following file:

-- ./infant.dhall

{ name = "Jerry", age = ./two.dhall } : ./Person.dhall

… and then inside the REPL enter:

⊢ (./infant.dhall).age

Exercise: What happens if you interpret a Dhall expression that imports itself?

$ echo './x.dhall' > ./x.dhall

$ dhall --file ./x.dhall
↳ ./x.dhall

Cyclic import: ./x.dhall

1│ ./x.dhall


URL imports

Dhall expressions can import URLs, too, and this is how Dhall packages are distributed. For example, the most commonly used Dhall package is the Prelude, which you can use like this:

let Prelude =

in  Prelude.Text.concatSep "," [ "apple", "banana", "pineapple" ]

If importing from URLs concerns you then take a moment to read about the safety guarantees provided by the language:

You can customize the HTTP headers used to fetch an import with the using keyword, like this:

⊢ using [ { mapKey = "Accept", mapValue = "application/json" } ] as Text

  "headers": {
    "Accept": "application/json", 
    "Accept-Encoding": "gzip", 
    "Host": "", 
    "X-Amzn-Trace-Id": "Root=1-5e9b359d-aa07e5ccfb136c70db276b79"

These extra headers are not able to access variables that are in scope (in order to protect against leaking program secrets). For example:

:let secret = "Very secret"

secret : Text

⊢ using [ { mapKey = "Secret", mapValue = secret } ] as Text

Error: Unbound variable: secret

1│                                                                     secret


1│ using [ { mapKey = "Secret", mapValue = secret } ] as Text


As an alternative you can define default HTTP headers used to fetch an import without changing the Dhall file itself. This even works for nested imports.

Such headers must be defined for each URL (and port) as a nested Map:

List { mapKey : Text, mapValue : List { mapKey : Text, mapValue : Text } }

The key of the outer Map is the hostname and port. Its value is a Map containing header names and values (in the same way shown above with the using command).

If all imports from should contain a header "Authorization": "Bearer somemagictoken" then you define a nested map like this:

toMap { 
  `` = toMap { 
    Authorization = "Bearer somemagictoken" 

Now you have 3 ways to provide Dhall access to this nested map: store the expression in the…

  1. environment variable DHALL_HEADERS

  2. ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/dhall/headers.dhall file (where XDG_CONFIG_HOME is an environment variable containing a path)

  3. ~/.config/dhall/headers.dhall file

Assuming that you store the headers definition as above, you can import anything from that host:

let d =

… and the request will contain the header "Authorization": "Bearer somemagictoken" (which the above URL will automatically include back in the response)

Note that you can use this default definition together with the using keyword. In that case the default headers will be combined with the headers defined by using.

Most Dhall packages are essentially large (possibly nested) records that you can import that contain useful types and functions as their fields.

Exercise: Import the Prelude within the REPL:

:let Prelude =

… and then use tab completion to explore what fields are available:

⊢ Prelude.<TAB>
Prelude.Bool      Prelude.JSON      Prelude.Monoid    Prelude.XML
Prelude.Double    Prelude.List      Prelude.Natural
Prelude.Function  Prelude.Location  Prelude.Optional
Prelude.Integer   Prelude.Map       Prelude.Text
⊢ Prelude.List.<TAB>
Prelude.List.all        Prelude.List.filter
Prelude.List.any        Prelude.List.fold       Prelude.List.null      Prelude.List.generate   Prelude.List.partition
Prelude.List.concat     Prelude.List.head       Prelude.List.replicate
Prelude.List.concatMap  Prelude.List.indexed    Prelude.List.reverse
Prelude.List.default    Prelude.List.iterate    Prelude.List.shifted
Prelude.List.drop       Prelude.List.last       Prelude.List.take
Prelude.List.empty      Prelude.List.length     Prelude.List.unzip


You can browse the Prelude online here:

In particular, you might find the README helpful:

Each Prelude function contains a comment explaining how to use the function.

Exercise: Browse the documentation and source code for the List/generate utility here:

… and the Prelude also re-exports all of the language built-ins (e.g. Natural/show, Integer/clamp, etc.), including documentation and examples for each built-in. So you can use the Prelude to better understand and explore the available built-in functions.

You can use the Prelude’s List/generate function as a nested field of the Prelude record: Prelude.List.generate. For example:

⊢ Prelude.List.generate 10 Text (\(n : Natural) -> "Result #${Natural/show n}")

[ "Result #0"
, "Result #1"
, "Result #2"
, "Result #3"
, "Result #4"
, "Result #5"
, "Result #6"
, "Result #7"
, "Result #8"
, "Result #9"

… or you can import the function individually, like this:

:let List/generate =

List/generate : (n : Natural)  (a : Type)  (f : Natural  a)  List a

⊢ List/generate 10 Text (\(n : Natural) -> "Result #${Natural/show n}")

[ "Result #0"
, "Result #1"
, "Result #2"
, "Result #3"
, "Result #4"
, "Result #5"
, "Result #6"
, "Result #7"
, "Result #8"
, "Result #9"

Exercise: What happens if you apply List/generate to just one argument?

List/generate 10
λ(a : Type) 
λ(f : Natural  a) 
  [ f 0, f 1, f 2, f 3, f 4, f 5, f 6, f 7, f 8, f 9 ]

Challenge exercise: Save the following expression to ./Value.dhall

-- ./Value.dhall

< N : Natural | I : Integer | B : Bool >

… then save the following expression to ./input.dhall:

-- ./input.dhall

let Value = ./Value.dhall

in  [ Value.N 1, Value.I +2, Value.B True ]

… and then create a Dhall expression in a ./solution.dhall file that renders each element of the list on a separate line such that the result looks like this:

$ dhall --file ./solution.dhall 

The Prelude provides utilities that may come in handy for this exercise.

let Prelude =

let Value = ./Value.dhall

let input = ./input.dhall

let render =
      \(value : Value) ->
          { N = Natural/show, I = Integer/show, B = }

let toLine = \(value : Value) -> "${render value}\n"

in  Prelude.Text.concatMap Value toLine input

Installing packages

You can make an import “installable” by protecting the import with an integrity check of the form sha256:${HASH}. This check belongs immediately after the import, like this:

let Prelude = sha256:6b90326dc39ab738d7ed87b970ba675c496bed0194071b332840a87261649dcd

in  Prelude.Text.concatSep "," [ "apple", "banana", "pineapple" ]

There are two main ways you can obtain the hash:

  • Recommended: Use dhall freeze

    $ dhall freeze ./example.dhall
  • Use dhall hash from the command line or the :hash command in the REPL


The interpreter will then locally cache any import annotated with an integrity check the first time the import is resolved. This can greatly accelerate the interpreter once all imports are locally cached and no longer require the network.

Exercise: Time how long the interpreter takes to interpret the above example with and without the integrity check.

Adding an integrity check in this way also ensures that the import will no longer change. The interpreter always verifies integrity checks, whether fetching the import for the first time, or loading the import from the local cache.

These integrity checks are resilient to cosmetic changes in the imported expression, meaning that the hash of an expression does not change if you make behavior-preserving changes to that expression, such as:

  • Adding/removing comments

  • Refactoring the code

Exercise: Save the following expressions to ./example0.dhall and ./example1.dhall, respectively:

-- ./example0.dhall

[ { name = "Alice"
  , age = 24
  , admin = True
, { name = "Bob"
  , age = 49
  , admin = True
-- ./example1.dhall

let List/filter =

let Person = { name : Text, age : Natural, admin : Bool }

let alice : Person =
      { name = "Alice"
      , age = 24
      , admin = True

let bob : Person =
      { name = "Bob"
      , age = 49
      , admin = True

let carlo : Person =
      { name = "Carlo"
      , age = 20
      , admin = False

let isAdmin = \(person : Person) -> person.admin

in  List/filter Person isAdmin [ alice, bob, carlo ]

… then hash both expressions. The hashes should match.

The hash is resilient to behavior-preserving changes because the integrity check is a “semantic” integrity check, meaning that it is a hash of a canonical encoding of the program’s syntax tree and not a hash of the program’s source code. Also, the program is interpreted before hashing so that the hash is insensitive to program indirection.

This integrity check protects against any sort of tampering with the import. At worst import resolution will fail (if there is a hash mismatch), but you will never get the wrong import. For example, an import annotated with an integrity check of sha256:27abdeddfe8503496adeb623466caa47da5f63abd2bc6fa19f6cfcb73ecfed70 can never successfully resolve to a value other than True. Every integrity check uniquely identifies the corresponding Dhall expression (ignoring highly improbable hash collisions).

Since the integrity check uniquely identifies the corresponding expression the integrity check is “authoritative”, meaning that an import will succeed if the corresponding expression is already cached, regardless of whether or not the import is available.

Exercise: First resolve the Prelude with an integrity check within the REPL:

:let Prelude = sha256:6b90326dc39ab738d7ed87b970ba675c496bed0194071b332840a87261649dcd

… now replace the URL with any other arbitrary URL and run the command again. The import should still succeed!

The language has a special import that will always fail to resolve, called missing:

⊢ missing

Error: No valid imports

1│ missing


… but the import will succeed if you attach an integrity check for an import that is already cached:

:let Prelude = missing sha256:6b90326dc39ab738d7ed87b970ba675c496bed0194071b332840a87261649dcd

You can use this trick to fetch any import from your local cache based on the import’s hash. Continuing with the metaphor of “installing” a package, fetching an import from a URL is analogous to installing a source package and fetching an import from the local cache based on the hash is analogous to installing a binary package. In fact, locally cached imports are stored in a compressed binary representation for efficiency, so you can really think of them as binary packages that your interpreter downloaded and installed along the way.

Imports that don’t have an integrity check will be resolved every time you interpret them. However, those imports may have transitive dependencies of their own that are protected by integrity checks and those transitive dependencies will be locally cached. For example, the top-level package.dhall expression that we import from the Prelude protects its own transitive dependencies in this way, as an optimization to minimize network traffic.

Importing raw Text

Sometimes you want to import Text from a file that is not a Dhall expression. For example, you might want to import your SSH public key as a Text literal, like this:

⊢ ~/.ssh/ as Text

More generally, you can turn any import into a raw Text import by adding as Text to the end of the import.

Exercise: You can use this feature to turn dhall into a makeshift curl! Try this:

⊢ as Text
<!doctype html>
    <title>Example Domain</title>

    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
    <style type="text/css">
    body {
        background-color: #f0f0f2;
        margin: 0;
        padding: 0;
        font-family: -apple-system, system-ui, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", "Open Sans", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
    div {
        width: 600px;
        margin: 5em auto;
        padding: 2em;
        background-color: #fdfdff;
        border-radius: 0.5em;
        box-shadow: 2px 3px 7px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.02);
    a:link, a:visited {
        color: #38488f;
        text-decoration: none;
    @media (max-width: 700px) {
        div {
            margin: 0 auto;
            width: auto;

    <h1>Example Domain</h1>
    <p>This domain is for use in illustrative examples in documents. You may use this
    domain in literature without prior coordination or asking for permission.</p>
    <p><a href="">More information...</a></p>

Environment variable imports

You can also import Dhall expressions from environment variables, too, using the following syntax:


… replacing FOO with the desired environment variable.

However, you will more commonly import environment variables as raw Text, like this:

⊢ env:USER as Text  -- Get your current username

Exercise: Store a Dhall function in an environment variable and then use the function stored inside that environment variable within a larger Dhall expression.

$ INCREMENT='\(n : Natural) -> n + 1' dhall <<< 'env:INCREMENT 4'

Alternative imports

Sometimes you might want to provide a fallback import if import resolution fails, which can happen for a number of reasons:

  • A file path is missing

  • A remote import is temporarily unavailable

  • An environment variable is unset

The language provides a built-in ? operator which lets you specify an arbitrary expression as a fallback if an import fails.

For example, you could get the current HOME environment variable wrapped in a Some if the variable is present, and return None Text if the environment variable is unset:

Some (env:HOME as Text) ? None Text

… or you could provide a fallback mirror if a URL is unavailable:

… or you can provide multiple levels of fallbacks that let you override imports for customization purposes:

? /usr/local/share/dhall/Prelude

Records - Part 2

Record management is a significant aspect of using Dhall “in anger”, so the language has several features designed to simplify working with records.

First, there are three operators which you can use to extend record values or record types:

  • /\ - Recursive record value merge - Unicode: (U+2227)

    ⊢ { a = { b = 1 }, d = True } /\ { a = { c = 1 } }
    { a = { b = 1, c = 1 }, d = True }

    This operator recursively merges two records, but fails with a type error if any two non-record fields “collide”.

  • // - Shallow right-biased record value merge - Unicode: (U+2AFD)

    ⊢ { a = { b = 1 } } // { a = 1, d = True }
    { a = 1, d = True }

    This operator merges two records, preferring fields from the right record if there is a collision. Unlike /\, this operator does not recursively merge nested fields if two record-valued fields collide.

  • //\\ - Recursive record type merge - Unicode: (U+2A53)

    ⊢ { a : { b : Natural }, d : Bool } //\\ { a : { c : Natural } }
    { a : { b : Natural, c : Natural }, d : Bool }

    This operator is the type-level analog of /\, recursively merging two record types, failing if there are any collisions.

Additionally, record literals provide two types of syntactic sugar for working with deeply-nested records.

First, you can represent nested fields more compactly using “dot” syntax for nested fields, like this:

{ a.b.c = 1 }

… which is syntactic sugar for:

{ a = { b = { c = 1 } } }

Second, if you specify the same field twice, the interpreter will merge the two fields using /\. In other words, this expression:

{ a = { b = { c = 1 } }, a = { b = { d = True } } }

… is syntactic sugar for:

{ a = { b = { c = 1 } } /\ { b = { d = True } } }

… which normalizes to:

{ a = { b = { c = 1, d = True } } }

This feature comes in handy when paired with the dot syntax for nested fields, because you can then easily specify multiple nested fields by specifying the “path” to each field:

⊢ { a.b.c = 1, a.b.d = True }

{ a.b = { c = 1, d = True } }

Exercise: Does { a = 1, a = 1 } type-check? Test your guess!

Error: Invalid duplicate field: a

1│ { a = 1, a = 1 }


{ a = 1, a = 1 } is syntactic sugar for { a = 1 /\ 1 }, and 1 /\ 1 is not a valid expression because the /\ operator only works on records.

Challenge exercise: When is { a = foo, a.b = bar } valid? In other words, what conditions must be true about foo and/or bar for that expression to type-check?


{ a = foo, a.b = bar } desugars to { a = foo /\ { b = bar } }

The expression type-checks if and only if one of the following is true:

  • foo is a record without a field named b

  • foo is a record with a field named b and b /\ bar is valid

You can also easily override or add nested fields using with expressions, like this:

⊢ { a.b.c = 1, a.b.d = True } with a.b.c = 2 with a.b.e = "Hey"

{ a.b = { c = 2, d = True, e = "Hey" } }

Exercise: Can you use a with expression to change the type of a nested field? Test your guess



⊢ { x = 1 } with x = True

{ x = True }

Exercise: Your colleague claims that the with expression is unnecessary, because the /\ operator can perform deep record updates. Is that right?


No, because /\ will not replace fields:

⊢ { a.b = 1 } /\ { a.b = 2 }

Error: Field collision on: a.b

1│             /\ { a.b = 2 }

with, on the other hand, will:

⊢ { a.b = 1 } with a.b = 2

{ a.b = 2 }

Record completion

The language includes one last record operator useful for working with large records with many default-valued fields:

  • :: - Record completion

    let Person =
          { Type = { name : Text, friends : List Text }
          , default = { friends = [] : List Text }
    let examples =
          [ Person::{ name = "John" }
          , Person::{ name = "Alice", friends = [ "Charles" ] }
    let results =
          [ { name = "John", friends = [] : List Text }
          , { name = "Alice", friends = [ "Charles" ] }
    let test = assert : examples === results
    in  Person

This operator expects two arguments:

  • The left argument is a “schema” record containing at least the following two fields:

    • A field named Type containing the desired record type

    • A field named default containing default values for any of the fields

  • The right argument is a record that you want to “complete” by providing default values for unspecified fields

… and an expression of the form T::r is syntactic sugar for (T.default // r) : T.Type

In the above example, Person::{ name = "John" } extends the record to add a friends field with a default value of [] : List Text. This works because:

Person::{ name = "John" }

= (Person.default // { name = "John" }) : Person.Type

= ({ friends = [] : List Text } // { name = "John" }) : Person.Type

= { name = "John", friends = [] : List Text } : Person.Type

= { name = "John", friends = [] : List Text } : { name : Text, friends : List Text }

= { name = "John", friends = [] : List Text }

The type annotation ensures that any “required” fields are present, where a “required” field is a field where no default value is specified. In the above example, the name field is required because the Person “schema” does not specify a default value for the name field.

Exercise: See what happens if you omit the name field required by the Person schema by interpreting the expression Person::{=}


The type-checker warns you about the missing required name field:

⊢ Person::{=}

Error: Expression doesn't match annotation

{ - name : …
, …

1│ Person::{=}


Exercise: Create a “schema” named Image for a Docker image with the following fields:

  • An optional registry field of type Text that defaults to ""

  • A required repository field of type Text

  • A required name field of type Text

  • An optional tag field of type Text that defaults to "latest"

… then use your schema to create a sample record:

Image::{ repository = "library", name = "postgres" }
let Image =
      { Type = { registry : Text, repository : Text, name : Text, tag : Text }
      , default = { registry = "", tag = "latest" }

in  Image::{ repository = "library", name = "postgres" }


You might wonder which names are supposed to be uppercase or lowercase. The language does not care how you capitalize names, but you will typically encounter the following conventions in the wild:

  • Terms are given lowercase names

  • Types are given uppercase names

  • Fields that store terms are given lowercase names

  • Fields that store types are given uppercase names

  • Union alternatives are given uppercase names

However, these are not hard rules and you should feel free to deviate from them if doing so more accurately mirrors the domain that you’re trying to model.

In fact, the language gives you even more leeway about naming things if you’re willing to escape the names using backticks, like this:

:let `Avogadro's Number` = 6.0221409e+23

You can also escape record field names and union alternative names in the same way.

Escaping variable names permits ASCII whitespace and punctuation, but does not permit arbitrary Unicode characters. In other words, you can’t have a variable with an emoji name.


Several Dhall features, tools, packages use Maps, where a Map is defined as a list of key-value pairs:

⊢ as Text

{- This is the canonical way to encode a dynamic list of key-value pairs.

   Tools (such as `dhall-to-json`/`dhall-to-yaml` will recognize values of this
   type and convert them to maps/dictionaries/hashes in the target language

   For example, `dhall-to-json` converts a Dhall value like this:

   [ { mapKey = "foo", mapValue = 1 }
   , { mapKey = "bar", mapValue = 2 }
   ] : ./Map Text Natural

   ... to a JSON value like this:

   { "foo": 1, "bar": 2 }
let Map
    : Type → Type → Type
    = λ(k : Type) → λ(v : Type) → List { mapKey : k, mapValue : v }

in  Map

Map is our first example of a custom type-level function. Map is a function that takes two function arguments (the type of each key and the type of each value), and returns a new type (a List of key-value pairs).

For example, earlier we introduced support for custom headers which are specified as a value of type Map Text Text:

:let Map =

Map : (k : Type)  (v : Type)  Type

⊢ Map Text Text

List { mapKey : Text, mapValue : Text }

⊢ [ { mapKey = "Accept", mapValue = "application/json" } ] : Map Text Text

[ { mapKey = "Accept", mapValue = "application/json" } ]

The language also includes a toMap keyword which you can use to convert records to Maps. For example:

⊢ toMap { Accept = "application/json" }

[ { mapKey = "Accept", mapValue = "application/json" } ]

… so we could use toMap to specify HTTP custom headers:

⊢ using (toMap { Accept = "application/json" }) as Text

A Map is a “homogeneous” map, meaning that all values must have the same type. That implies that you can’t use toMap on a “heterogeneous” record with different types of values:

⊢ toMap { x = 1, y = True }

Error: ❰toMap❱ expects a homogenous record

1│ toMap { x = 1, y = True }


Also, if you use toMap on an empty record, then you need to supply an explicit type annotation (just like an empty List):

⊢ toMap {=} : Map Text Natural

[] : List { mapKey : Text, mapValue : Natural }


That concludes the language tour! By this point you should have touched on every language feature.

Please let us know if this tutorial is missing any language features by opening an issue here:

We do our best to keep the tutorial up-to-date as the language evolves, but we sometimes miss things.